Embracing the Seasons of Life: From Dreams to Quilts
As the year passes through the familiar rhythms of spring, summer, fall, and winter, we also experience various seasons of our lives. Each phase brings its own challenges, beauty, and growth. Just as spring signifies new beginnings, summer embodies growth and maturity, fall brings reflection, and winter offers rest. Our lives often mirror these cycles. We find ourselves trying new things, reaching new heights, taking stock of our achievements, and retreating to recharge. And just like the Earth's never-ending cycle, these seasons of life repeat, each bringing fresh experiences and lessons.
Spring seasons in our lives do not necessarily coincide with the calendar. Sometimes you come across a photo or idea that sparks something deep inside that needs to be let out and grow. My current personal spring is somewhat in time with the calendar, but also emerging through a very big dream I’ve had for closer to a year. I know that if I want to see that dream become a reality, I need to take some actionable steps to start moving towards it. I also know from personal experience that my big ideas don’t always go like I originally think. As I take steps towards that dream, I often find the road curves towards a direction to new things that are better. However, that journey could never have started if I didn’t go after the dream to begin with.
This “spring” is about using digital software to turn my quilt ideas into projects that others can do. I don't know about you, but having the right tools to help that design come to life are sometimes tricky to come by. I have been developing some basic design tools for others to use - colour and cut out quilt blocks. The idea is to use them to build a larger block or explore quilt colours and layout options to your hearts content before cutting into fabric. Gone are the days redrawing and colouring a new graph paper sketch every time you want to try a new layout. If you are looking for something that I don't have in my products menu, let me know in the suggestions form and I will add it! The best part, these tools are free to you.
On the other techy side, I have been learning how to expand my website and social media. The website now has a products page and blog. As for my various media outlets - YouTube will have a video series coming in this summer and developing my Pinterest. Sign up for the newsletter so you don't miss the latest releases in YouTube content, weekly blog posts, and other "spring-like" announcements.
Are you in a spring season or want to reminisce about a past spring? I would love to hear about your quilting journey in the comments. You can also interact with me on my Facebook page, Krista’s Quilting Services, to share in the latest projects and engage in a community with other quilters.
Embrace the seasons of your quilting journey, whether you’re in the spring of learning something new or the summer of perfecting your skills. Every quilt has a story and every quilter is an artist. Let’s stitch our stories together, one quilt at a time.